The Duties and Functions of Sales and Marketing Department in Sahid Kusuma Hotel Solo


Eko Wahyudi. 2007. The Duties and Functions of Sales and Marketing Department in Sahid Kusuma Hotel Solo. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

Eko Wahyudi. 2007. The Duties and Functions of Sales and Marketing Department in Sahid Kusuma Hotel Solo. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This final project report is written based on the job training, which has been done by the writer in sales and marketing department of Sahid Kusuma Hotel. The writer had a job training program for more than 100 hours. The making of this report is based on marketing hotel subject which is obtained in hotelier class and also English for business subject which is obtained in semester four and five.
The objectives of this final report are to describe the duties and functions of sales and marketing department in Sahid Kusuma Hotel. Besides, it describes the relationship activity among sales and marketing department, front office department, and food and beverage department to increase the income for the Sahid Kusuma Hotel. The data of this report are taken from observation and interview.
The result of this report shows that sales and marketing department of Sahid Kusuma Hotel has a responsibility to increase the income for the Sahid Kusuma Hotel by selling all products and facilities, especially hotel room and banquet in Sahid Kusuma Hotel. It is fulfilled by this department through its duties which have to be done well, such as producing business correspondence, doing publicity, doing personal selling, arranging marketing strategy, and evaluating hotel competitor in Solo. Besides, sales and marketing department has functions to maintain the existence of Sahid Kusuma Hotel and also to improve the services and products of Sahid Kusuma Hotel. To increase the income for the Sahid Kusuma Hotel, sales and marketing department do relationship activity to front office department by doing sales promotion and it do relationship activity to food and beverage department by selling banquet.

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